PDX CONTEMPORARY ART, in collaboration with End of Summer, presents "Encounters," a group exhibition featuring six Japanese artists from the End of Summer residency program and five PDX CONTEMPORARY ART artists that are influenced by Japanese art and culture or are themselves Japanese.
"Encounters" speaks broadly to the meeting of unexpected or unacquainted subjects, brought into relation and into action with each other. The setting for these 'encounters' are our increasingly interconnected, globalized societies, where culture, language, history and everyday material realities are being constantly processed through forms of translation.
End of Summer is a cross-cultural art program based in Portland, Oregon at the Yale Union contemporary art center. At its core it is an annual summer residency for artists from Japan with an accompanying lecture series. The residency utilizes the setting of Portland, with its cultural ties to Japan, community oriented ethos, and dynamic arts activity, as a site for creative exploration that nurtures an international connectivity. Outside the summer Portland programming End of Summer is a series of symposiums, exhibitions and other related projects organized in Japan and internationally. Now in its third cycle encounters will feature works by End of Summer’s first year residents.